Starting School


Embarking on the journey to ‘real school’ is a momentous occasion for your youngster. Help them make the most seamless transition with these effective strategies.

The onset of elementary school is met with a mixture of excitement and trepidation by many children and their parents alike. The comforting news is that there are ample ways to prepare both yourself and your child for this big step. Since each child is different, it’s crucial to gauge how much preparation they’ll comfortably handle, balancing thorough readiness with the risk of overwhelming them.

### Before the School Year Begins:

1) **A Predictable Life is a Happy Life**: Children find comfort in knowing what’s next. Slowly acclimate them to their forthcoming schedule. For instance, summer often brings late bedtimes, which could disrupt their school routine. To mitigate this, establish a consistent sleep schedule before the academic year begins. Share breakfast at the same time you plan to during the school year, and encourage self-sufficiency in morning preparations. Teach them basic self-care tasks like getting dressed and bathroom etiquette.

2) **Discuss Aspirations and Concerns**: Engage in low-key conversations about their school-related anticipations and fears. What aspects are they looking forward to? What do they imagine school will be like? You can also share your own fond school memories and maybe get older siblings to join in. Use these talks to discreetly explore any apprehensions they might have without making school seem like an enormous, daunting task.

3) **Address Concerns Effectively**: If your child voices worries, heed the advice of elementary school teacher Deborah Parker: “Don’t merely offer comfort; rather, strategize and prepare.” If loneliness during recess is a concern, perhaps the teacher can assign a playtime pal. If they’re anxious about feeling unwell, discuss the steps to take and whom to inform.

4) **Get to Know the School Premises**: If you haven’t had the chance to attend an orientation day, consider a reconnaissance mission to familiarize your child with the school building and entrance. Make it a point to determine the travel time and parking situation to evade first-day delays.

5) **Pre-School Socialization**: If you’re acquainted with someone whose child will be in the same class, contemplate setting up a casual meet-up beforehand. Recognizing a familiar face on day one can provide enormous comfort. Social playdates also contribute to developing critical skills like sharing and taking turns.

6) **Gear Up**: Make the process of selecting a new backpack, pencil case, or lunchbox an enjoyable affair. Practice opening and shutting these containers. Opt for easy-to-manage clothing elements like Velcro-fastened shoes and elastic-waist pants. Label every belonging and teach your child how to identify these markers. If they can’t yet recognize their name, incorporate a simple symbol like a smiley or heart for easier identification.

7) **Keep Teachers Informed**: Should there be any significant life changes over the summer—like a move, a new sibling, or a family illness—be sure to let the teacher know. Maintain open communication with school staff throughout the year to ensure everyone is aligned on the best ways to support your child’s success.

By taking these preparatory steps, you’re not only easing your child into a significant life stage but also laying the groundwork for a positive educational experience.