Handling mold on drywall demands precision, as overly wetting the drywall can lead to its damage. At times, extracting and replacing the affected drywall piece can be more practical than treating the mold. If the drywall yields under pressure, it is unsalvageable. However, if you opt to cleanse the mold while retaining the drywall, adhere to the following steps.
You’ll need:
– 3 percent hydrogen peroxide
– White vinegar
– Disinfectant wipes
– Scrubbing brush
– Medium-bristled brush
– Spray bottle
Steps to Follow:
1. Employ the scrubbing brush to gently brush away the mold from the drywall, being cautious not to wet the wall excessively.
2. Prepare a mixture, combining white vinegar and hydrogen peroxide in equal parts, and spritz it on the affected area, ensuring it’s damp but not overly wet.
3. After letting it sit for a period of 10 minutes, utilize a medium-bristled brush to meticulously clean the area with a gentle, circular motion to avoid inflicting damage to the drywall.
4. Utilize disinfectant wipes for a thorough wipe-down of the wall to rid it of remaining mold traces.
5. Let the wall air dry completely. In areas with heightened humidity, a box fan can be positioned to hasten the drying process, directing air flow towards the wall.
In instances where the drywall exhibits stains post-cleaning, apply an appropriate primer or stain block before proceeding with repainting. It would be beneficial to opt for mold-resistant paint to bolster protection. Additionally, regulating the room’s humidity is paramount to forestalling the reappearance of mold.