How to Clean Leather Shoes and Boots

Leather shoes are tough and stylish, and if you own many leather boots, sneakers, and pumps, it’s great to know how to clean them properly. This will help keep them looking sharp and last longer. Here are some easy steps to follow.

Remove the Laces

If they’re dirty, wash them in the machine or get new ones.

Clean Loose Dirt and Debris

Wipe off any dirt stuck on the leather shoes using a soft cloth or a brush.

Apply Soap

Make a mix of warm water and dish soap, dip a soft cloth into it, squeeze it out, and clean the outside of the shoe.

Wipe Off Soap

Wipe the soap off with another clean, damp cloth and dry with a towel. Warm, soapy water can also clean off water marks and scuffs.

Condition Leather

Put leather conditioner on your shoes to prevent stains and make them shine. You can use a store-bought conditioner or make one by mixing 1 part vinegar with 2 parts linseed oil. Spread it on the leather, wait for 15 minutes, and then polish with a soft cloth until it shines.


Let your shoes and boots air dry. Avoid placing them in the sun or near a heater, as this can make the leather fade or crack.

How to Remove Stains From Leather Shoes

Stains can occur, but they don’t have to spoil your favorite shoes. Use these tips to get rid of stains on leather.

Grease or Oil

Sprinkle baking soda or cornstarch on the stain. Gently rub it in with a damp cloth. Leave it for a few hours or overnight to absorb the oil. Then, wipe off the powder with a soft cloth.


Dip a cotton swab in nail polish remover or rubbing alcohol and dab the stain lightly. Avoid rubbing to prevent spreading the ink. Keep dabbing gently until the stain disappears. Then, clean the area with a damp cloth and dry it with a towel.


You can clean leather with toothpaste. Just squeeze a small amount of the non-gel type onto the scuffed spot and rub it with a soft cloth.

Other Stains

Make a paste by mixing equal parts lemon juice and cream of tartar. Apply it to the stain and leave it for 30 minutes. Then, wipe off the paste with a damp cloth. Since lemon juice and cream of tartar can bleach, only use this on light-colored leather.