How to Clean and Sanitize Your Phone Screen

Recent studies have found that your cell phone might be dirtier than your toilet seat. However, you shouldn’t use household cleaning products to clean your phone’s screen because harsh chemicals can scratch and damage it. To keep your phone germ-free, here’s the right way to clean both your phone screen and its screen protector.

Steps to Clean Your Phone Screen

Use A Microfiber Cloth

The best method to remove dust, smudges, and oily fingerprints from your phone screen is by using a soft, lint-free, or microfiber cloth. To make your phone look shiny again, gently wipe the screen from top to bottom several times with the cloth. If the marks don’t come off, you can slightly dampen the cloth with a bit of distilled water and wipe the screen in the same manner. Always remember to turn off your phone and disconnect it from any power sources before cleaning it with liquids.

You might already have these cleaning cloths at home since they often come with items like eyeglasses, camera lenses, screen protectors, and various other devices. If you don’t have one, you can easily buy them at a local store or online.

Also, it’s important to never spray water directly onto your phone screen. Apple advises against letting water get into any openings of an iPhone, as this can damage the device. If there’s any leftover moisture on the screen after cleaning, you can gently remove it using the dry part of your cloth.

Use Distilled Water and Rubbing Alcohol

Using harsh cleaning products, such as Windex or Clorox, can strip the protective oleophobic (oil-repellent) and hydrophobic (water-repellent) coatings from your phone’s surface. These coatings help repel oil and protect your phone from finger smudges and scratches. Harsh cleaners can also corrode the metal parts of your phone, so it’s best to avoid using them altogether.

To clean and sanitize your phone screen, you can use a solution of 60% distilled water and 40% isopropyl rubbing alcohol. Dampen a small corner of your cleaning cloth with this mixture and gently wipe the screen from top to bottom. However, be careful not to make the cloth too wet.

Use an Ultra Violet (UV) Sanitizer

One of the most effective methods to fully disinfect your phone screen is by using a UV sanitizer. While a UV phone sanitizer might be more expensive than all your cleaning tools and agents put together, these devices are designed to kill 99.9% of common household germs.

These compact devices use UV-C light to sanitize your phone. An example is PhoneSoap, which gained popularity after being featured on the ABC show “Shark Tank.” To use it, simply place your phone inside the device for 10 minutes. Not only will it clean your phone, but it can also charge it during the process.

Best Practices for Keeping Your Phone Screen Clean

One easy method to keep your phone screen clean is to regularly wash your hands. A recent survey found that Americans check their phones over 40 times a day. Since your phone is constantly touched throughout the day, it can quickly become a hotspot for germs and bacteria.

The CDC recommends forming the habit of washing your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, particularly after using the bathroom, before eating, and after coughing or sneezing.

What to Avoid When Cleaning Your Phone Screen

To remove dust particles and smudges, avoid using paper towels, window cleaners, and other abrasive cleaning products on your phone’s screen. For disinfecting your phone, steer clear of ammonia, aerosol sprays, and chemical-based or alcohol-based cleaning agents, such as disinfectant wipes, rubbing alcohol, and makeup removers. These can damage your phone’s screen and components.

Apple has recently updated its cleaning guidelines, stating that it’s safe to use “a 70 percent isopropyl alcohol wipe or Clorox Disinfecting Wipes” on your iPhone and other Apple products. According to the updated instructions, you should gently wipe the hard, nonporous surfaces of your Apple device, such as the display, keyboard, or other exterior surfaces. However, the company continues to advise against using bleach or submerging your iPhone in any cleaning solutions.

In addition to avoiding certain cleaning products, you should also refrain from using compressed air on your phone. Compressed air can damage your phone’s microphone by forcing air into sensitive components.