Is there any genuine advantage to air frying? We delve deep into its science, weighing it against other culinary techniques, providing insights into its merits and drawbacks.
Though air fryers have been available for over a decade, their current surge in popularity prompts us to ponder: What exactly sets the air fryer apart? How healthy is this method of cooking? An expert nutritionist provides insights.
What is an air fryer? How does it work?
The air fryer’s appeal lies in its capability to produce crunchy dishes reminiscent of deep frying but without the hefty oil requirement. But does this translate to healthier meals?
Picture the air fryer as a fusion of a deep fryer and a convection oven. The design includes a frying basket that ensures even heat distribution, ensuring crispy outcomes.
But there’s a twist: instead of submerging food in boiling oil, it’s introduced to hot, circulating air, mirroring the principles of a convection oven.
So, how does air frying measure up against conventional cooking practices?
The effect of cooking on food
Cooking in an oven or an air fryer, given the shared principle of using hot air, doesn’t vary much in terms of nutrient retention.
But it’s worth noting that cooking alters food properties, and sometimes, inflammatory compounds might emerge. Especially concerning are changes in polyunsaturated fats like omega-3 fatty acids found in fish. A 2018 study from Science in Asia pointed out that fried fish maintained the least omega-3. Another research in 2018 showed that pan-frying salmon yielded the highest inflammatory compounds.
Although there are speculations about air fryers amplifying these changes due to their high heat, conclusive research is pending.
Air frying vs deep frying
Comparing deep frying with air frying reveals a distinct advantage for the latter. Air frying’s edge stems from its minimal oil dependency, contrasting the several liters needed for deep frying.
Excess consumption of fried items is a calorie trap. Air frying, however, curtails oil absorption, leading to fewer calorie intakes and potentially mitigating weight gain and associated health concerns.
Furthermore, heating oils can spike inflammatory compound levels, which get ingested with the food. Reduced oil usage means less inflammation and a potentially lowered risk of diseases like heart conditions. Depending on the oil choice, this might also mean reduced saturated fat intake and associated health benefits.
However, high-temperature exposure over prolonged durations can boost Advanced Glycation End products (AGEs) in food, regardless of the frying method. Though it’s debated if air frying leads to fewer AGEs, their excessive consumption has been linked with ailments like diabetes, cancer, and Alzheimer’s, as noted in a 2019 American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine review.
Interestingly, air frying might have an edge when processing starchy foods like potatoes. As per a 2022 study in Frontiers in Nutrition, air frying led to elevated levels of slowly digestible starch, potentially moderating blood sugar spikes. But carb awareness is still essential.
Is air frying healthy?
To settle the debate: is air frying truly healthy? The answer is nuanced, hinging on your definition of health and the contrasted cooking techniques.
In juxtaposition with deep frying, air frying emerges as the healthier alternative, primarily due to its calorie-conserving nature and potential in curbing inflammation.
Yet, when pitted against an oven, the distinction blurs. Their functionalities overlap, with air frying’s speed being its distinguishing trait.
The deciding factor on health largely depends on the food choices made for the air fryer. Healthy ingredients like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins retain their nutritional integrity, whether in an oven or air fryer.
Still, an air fryer shouldn’t be an excuse for unchecked indulgence. Its primary advantage over deep frying is oil conservation, so excessive oil additions can dilute its benefits.
For fried food enthusiasts, the air fryer is a commendable choice. However, it’s not a wand that miraculously transforms all food into healthful choices. For regular oven users, the air fryer is an excellent addition for culinary diversity and swifter meal preparations.