13 Inspiring Quotes About Change and Growth

“Change is a gift from God, a doorway to the next spiritual level, and we are a creative force in our own lives. To no longer be the victim of change is to master change. This mastery allows you to see the hand of God at work in your life and create a future that reflects confidence, a divine plan and a higher purpose.”

Mary Carroll Moore

“Change is not only inevitable; it is a constant and unvarying law. Without it, everything would remain forever as it is, and there could be neither growth nor progress.”

James Allen

“Every change in life offers new experiences, and each new experience is an opportunity for further development. This is why, if we refuse to go forward voluntarily, life tumbles us out of our comfortable little niche and throws us into the maelstrom—that we may become wiser, more capable men and women.”

S. Harrison

“There is no doubt that the timid soul shrinks from making a radical change in life, from stepping forth into the unknown; but to compel oneself to do this is to take out the finest possible insurance for the happiness of the years to come. To stay in the same rut year after year means that life passes us by. We realize when it is too late that we have never truly lived—for we have shirked life.”

S. Hal-rison

“To resist change is to work against the flow of life rather than surrender to and trust it.”

Susan Taylor

“We do not succeed in changing things according to our desire, but gradually our desire changes.”

Marcel Proust

“A turning point is life’s way of giving you a chance to move ahead spiritually, though you must reach for the gift yourself.”

Harold Klemp

“We begin the process of transforming all those things we usually consider stumbling blocks into the stepping stones they really are.”

Rick Fields

“Change is not made without inconvenience, even from worse to better.”

Samuel Johnson

“If we want to live fully, beyond the life we have today, we must take risks, stretch ourselves, move past what we are now.”

Marsha Sinetar

“Everything teaches transition, transference, metamorphosis: therein is human power. We dive and reappear in new places.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson

“If there is any law which governs human existence, it is the law of change. We forget it at our peril. Most ancient societies forgot it and suffered.”

Paul Brunton

“While we cannot change the past, with the wisdom of Spirit we can change what it remains to us and to our future.”

Susan Tylor